How to Make The Blog Faster Loading

4/19/2013 0

Hi bloggers, in this tutorial we will discuss How to Make The Blog Faster Loading only by minimizing the load on the existing images. It also will provide a dynamic effect on the image if you scroll down. So it would be very nice if you made ​​some following script, script? Well buddy script, but take it easy this mala will indeed make the image load faster.

If my friend does not believe with this script mala will be faster, you can test the load on

Steps to Create a Blog Loading Minimize Load Faster with Image:

1. Go to your blogger account
2. log in to edit the HTML menu, no need to check expand widget template, because we are not looking for      a script widget on this tutorial.
3. Find the code below:
4. Paste the code below, above the code above:
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ (function(a){a.fn.lazyload=function(b){var c={threshold:0,failurelimit:0,event:"scroll",effect:"show",container:window};if(b){a.extend(c,b)}var d=this;if("scroll"==c.event){a(c.container).bind("scroll",function(b){var e=0;d.each(function(){if(a.abovethetop(this,c)||a.leftofbegin(this,c)){}else if(!a.belowthefold(this,c)&&!a.rightoffold(this,c)){a(this).trigger("appear")}else{if(e++>c.failurelimit){return false}}});var f=a.grep(d,function(a){return!a.loaded});d=a(f)})}this.each(function(){var b=this;if(undefined==a(b).attr("original")){a(b).attr("original",a(b).attr("src"))}if("scroll"!=c.event||undefined==a(b).attr("src")||c.placeholder==a(b).attr("src")||a.abovethetop(b,c)||a.leftofbegin(b,c)||a.belowthefold(b,c)||a.rightoffold(b,c)){if(c.placeholder){a(b).attr("src",c.placeholder)}else{a(b).removeAttr("src")}b.loaded=false}else{b.loaded=true}a(b).one("appear",function(){if(!this.loaded){a("<img />").bind("load",function(){a(b).hide().attr("src",a(b).attr("original"))[c.effect](c.effectspeed);b.loaded=true}).attr("src",a(b).attr("original"))}});if("scroll"!=c.event){a(b).bind(c.event,function(c){if(!b.loaded){a(b).trigger("appear")}})}});a(c.container).trigger(c.event);return this};a.belowthefold=function(b,c){if(c.container===undefined||c.container===window){var d=a(window).height()+a(window).scrollTop()}else{var d=a(c.container).offset().top+a(c.container).height()}return d<=a(b).offset().top-c.threshold};a.rightoffold=function(b,c){if(c.container===undefined||c.container===window){var d=a(window).width()+a(window).scrollLeft()}else{var d=a(c.container).offset().left+a(c.container).width()}return d<=a(b).offset().left-c.threshold};a.abovethetop=function(b,c){if(c.container===undefined||c.container===window){var d=a(window).scrollTop()}else{var d=a(c.container).offset().top}return d>=a(b).offset().top+c.threshold+a(b).height()};a.leftofbegin=function(b,c){if(c.container===undefined||c.container===window){var d=a(window).scrollLeft()}else{var d=a(c.container).offset().left}return d>=a(b).offset().left+c.threshold+a(b).width()};a.extend(a.expr[":"],{"below-the-fold":"$.belowthefold(a, {threshold : 0, container: window})","above-the-fold":"!$.belowthefold(a, {threshold : 0, container: window})","right-of-fold":"$.rightoffold(a, {threshold : 0, container: window})","left-of-fold":"!$.rightoffold(a, {threshold : 0, container: window})"})})(jQuery);$(function(){$("img").lazyload({placeholder:"",effect:"fadeIn",threshold:"-50"})})//]]></script>
5. save your tamplate.

Thank you, may be useful. 

Tips on How to Increase PageRank Blog

4/19/2013 0

Ziper Inc - Every blog owner or any of the sites is craved when the site has a good page rank but many of those who do not know how to improve pagerank on their websites. They've tried to create quality content that for months, but nonetheless they are still small pagerank sites or even none.

On this post I will share some tips on how to improve pagerank website or blog, actually to present these tips really tough because the visitors also want to see if the owner of the blog has also been getting pagerank, and-thank God-this blog is memdapatkan gift pagerank by Google even though still small, with that I ventured to present some tips that I did from the results apply some tips that I have ever read.

But who were required to remember that PageRank has nothing to do with SEO and also the amount of visitor traffic, but the assessment is based on the number of quality backlinks to your blog or site.

Yep now I will give you some tips on how to improve pagerank and before keinti problem we have to know what it's pagerank.

What is PageRank?

PageRank is a patented algorithm that serves to determine which website is more important / popular. PageRank is one of the main features of the Google search engine, and was created by its founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin who is a Ph.D. student Stanford University.

While the workings of a site would be more popular if the many other sites that put a link that leads to the site, assuming the content / site content is more useful than the content / content of other sites. PageRank is calculated on a scale of 1-10.

Example: A website with Pagerank 9 will first sort the list of Google search than a site that has a PageRank 8 and then onwards smaller. (Id.wikipedia)

That is what is meant by pagerank, and then we will enter this discussion tips how to increase page now.

How to Increase PageRank

Submit Your Site Or Blog to

DMOZ is an open source site is highly reputable directories, which makes a much coveted blog or website owners to register their site is because if their site is approved automatically be submitted on the 'Google Directory' which makes us good pagerank level.

However, for receipt of our site is not easy because the only sites that have kualitaslah that will be accepted and each site will be checked by hand, then by registering our website to DMOZ is a good step to start.

Creating Original and Unique Content:

They say "Content Is King" yes, indeed this term and this term is now a basic guide for any bloggers who want to create content. Good content must be at least two criteria, namely "original and unique" and certainly every person who reads original and unique content is favored over the content or copy and paste the contents only person now says Copas content.

Original and unique content not only liked men, but even google was well liked and hated when reading the entire content in it just copy and paste it. So if you want a blog or website you get a good pagerank from now on to create original and unique content and quality of course, if you apply these tips then surely Allah-willing, you will see your pagerank increases.

Search Backlink The Natural and Qualified

Everyone who already understand the importance of backlinks backlink will certainly find that they can get to their sites by sharing the ways: anyone wear tool (backlink software), hire the services of backlinks and others.

But many do not know what they are looking for backlinks can be fatal or not, such as backlink software that promises thousands of backlinks to your site and the backlink services were also the same so the question of whether it will get a backlink that qualified or not, and if qualified whether natural or not and whether natural when one theme or not? Then it should be considered for the site owners who are looking for backlinks to their websites because if not then your site will be destroyed.

Being a Guest Writer

To these tips I have not done, but this is very good to try because usually when you send an appropriate quality content in hopes that the site owner will tell you and then you will get accepted backlinks for your site that is definitely a link is dofollow.

  • That need to be considered before you post content on your site you want is:
  • Whether the site was a theme to your site.
  • Does the site have a good popularity in the eyes of visitors.
  • Does this site have enough PageRank.

Update "Being a Guest Writer": It is not recommended to be a guest author on websites such as article directories such as ezine. Very diisarankan to remove or delete his link, given situ-site article directory it lately so great care by Google.

So, here are some tips on how to improve pagerank that perhaps you can apply to get a good pagerank your site gets pagerank at least 1 and hopefully useful.

How to Make a Post As newspaper

4/18/2013 0
Ziper Inc - When we read a newspaper or magazine article we often encounter arrangement with separate columns would when writing a story too long by separating misah posts by this column will make the reader from getting too tired to read the news.

And writing style of this column now many are also applying to online media such as blogs or websites, especially websites or magazine magazine you will see several columns on a post.

Post is divided into three columns and we can also make it into two columns to know this trick.
The following code can be used:

<style type="text/css"> 
-moz-column-count:3; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-count:3; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-gap:40px; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-gap:40px; /* Safari and Chrome */
<div class="koran">Your text</div>

To implement this code you just enter the post code of the HTML page and you insert text between the "div tag", which I give merah.Untuk color change number of columns you replace the number "3" to the number "2" for example like this:

-moz-column-count:2; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-count:2; /* Safari and Chrome */

Well, you could give to beautify the dividing line between columns with a dividing line of code and it will also make it convenient for visitors to your site:

-moz-column-rule-style:outset; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-rule-style:outset; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-rule-color:#ff0000; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-rule-color:#ff0000; /* Safari and Chrome */

So the full code like this:

<style type="text/css"> 
-moz-column-count:3; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-count:3; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-gap:40px; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-gap:40px; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-rule-style:outset; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-rule-style:outset; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-rule-color:#ff0000; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-rule-color:#ff0000; /* Safari and Chrome */
<div class="koran">Your text</div>

Examples of the application of this code:

Welcome to this simple blog, hopefully useful what I wrote to you, I post a lot of relating to the world of blogging and the internet. Comrades in this post I will share how to make posts, such as magazines or newspapers nah, this is an example of such a post if you want kerenkan newspaper also made ​​like this also just follow this tutorial.

If you want to split into multiple columns up or down as the posts you make three columns under the column while the two columns, then the code. ".koran" you can add letters or numbers to be ". Koran1" column so it goes on the other post.

About me

4/02/2013 0

Dimas Cahyo Nugroho, or commonly called Dimas.
Born in Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. Since childhood living in West Jakarta, precisely in South Kembangan. Still in elementary school SDN 03 MORNING South Kembangan. Class 6 is about to face the National Examination (UN).

It's not a pretty clever than other students, but also not a person who would accept just stupidity. People who are full of dreams, goals, goals. While it is quite a bit lazy, and often procrastinate time. Yes, that's my shortcomings. But at least have the advantage that one can be proud of, "always learning and improving deficiencies". Although often experience failure and disappointing results, and sometimes also feel no better than the others. But sometimes always sure would be a person who is able to be a big influence to bring great change someday.

So, this is my school trophy collection. Yeah, not so much really but, quite satisfactory

Yeah, it's a little short story about me.

Site Map

4/01/2013 0
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