How to Make a Post As newspaper

Ziper Inc - When we read a newspaper or magazine article we often encounter arrangement with separate columns would when writing a story too long by separating misah posts by this column will make the reader from getting too tired to read the news.

And writing style of this column now many are also applying to online media such as blogs or websites, especially websites or magazine magazine you will see several columns on a post.

Post is divided into three columns and we can also make it into two columns to know this trick.
The following code can be used:

<style type="text/css"> 
-moz-column-count:3; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-count:3; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-gap:40px; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-gap:40px; /* Safari and Chrome */
<div class="koran">Your text</div>

To implement this code you just enter the post code of the HTML page and you insert text between the "div tag", which I give merah.Untuk color change number of columns you replace the number "3" to the number "2" for example like this:

-moz-column-count:2; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-count:2; /* Safari and Chrome */

Well, you could give to beautify the dividing line between columns with a dividing line of code and it will also make it convenient for visitors to your site:

-moz-column-rule-style:outset; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-rule-style:outset; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-rule-color:#ff0000; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-rule-color:#ff0000; /* Safari and Chrome */

So the full code like this:

<style type="text/css"> 
-moz-column-count:3; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-count:3; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-gap:40px; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-gap:40px; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-rule-style:outset; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-rule-style:outset; /* Safari and Chrome */

-moz-column-rule-color:#ff0000; /* Firefox */
-webkit-column-rule-color:#ff0000; /* Safari and Chrome */
<div class="koran">Your text</div>

Examples of the application of this code:

Welcome to this simple blog, hopefully useful what I wrote to you, I post a lot of relating to the world of blogging and the internet. Comrades in this post I will share how to make posts, such as magazines or newspapers nah, this is an example of such a post if you want kerenkan newspaper also made ​​like this also just follow this tutorial.

If you want to split into multiple columns up or down as the posts you make three columns under the column while the two columns, then the code. ".koran" you can add letters or numbers to be ". Koran1" column so it goes on the other post.


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